Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well I did it. I did it and survived. My arms ache as I type this. I finally completed my first day ofJillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. After seeing this work-out DVD recommend on so many message boards and blogs I finally ordered in back at the end of November. It took me this long to actually do the work-out but I guess it is better late than never! The things I like about it is the length - 20 minutes of high intensity and the variation of exercises. I do need to use a heavier set of hand weights though. I've got 2 lbs ones and they aren't enough for most of the excises that require weight. I think I'll try my 5lb ones(that are HUGE and PINK) and if those are too heavy at this time, I'll have to pick up a set that is in between next time I'm at Walmart.

I ate well yesterday but missed my workout with my buddy as another friend invited me last minute to see Blue Rodeo! We were in Row 5 and it was AWESOME!!! Cuff the Duke(a favorite of mine) opened for them so all in all it was a wonderful night. My workout buddy totally understood that I ditched her for Jim Cuddy - I would expect her to do the same!

Here's my food plan for today

  • 1/2 Cup Yogurt
  • 1 Cup Cantaloupe and Pineapple
  • 1/4 cup of my Grandmas homemade granola that she mailed to me for Christmas!

  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Tbsp lf peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 cup spinach
all blended in my new Magic bullet ... yum!

  • 2p WW Bread
  • 1/2 can Tuna
  • 1tbsp Miracle Whip
  • carrots and celery
  • Hard Boiled Egg

  • 1 Cup homemade beef and barely soup

  • All Bran bar while I'm at work
  • maybe some more vegis if I'm still hungry when I get home from work tonight

Workout :
  • 30 Day Shred
  • Possible Treadmill and Bowflex after work since I missed my workout last night with my buddy Melissa!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Better Late than Never ...

Well, here I am once again, it's the start of a new year and I find myself recommiting myself to lose this weight once again. For 3 and a half years I've been trying(not my hardest) to lose weight and get healthy but have not been successful. I feel like I've had hundreds of "start days" but I want this to be different. I want this to be the start of a new life. I have always been looking for the right circumstance, the right diet, the right time, the right reason but never found it. I've come to realize there will never the be the "right" time, reason, plan etc. It's is just something I have to do.

I have decided that 2010 will be the Year of Me. Too often I find myself looking after everyone around me and ignoring what is best for me. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and friends but I use them as an excuse to not do what is right for me. In order for me to be the best mother, wife and friend, I need to be happy. I need to be healthy. What good am I to those people and myself when I hate the way I look and feel, when I am not being the best person I can be. I want to be healthy. I want to be happy and I know at this stage I am the one standing in the way of my own happiness.

In addition to this being a new year, it is also the start of a new decade. And I want to start it off right. Usually when I recommit myself to losing weight, I set a plan and goals that are too big. I think secretly I am self-sabatoging myself. I set the seemingly unattainable goals in short periods of time that are essentailly impossible, so I fail. I justify the failure to myself because really, it was impossible to succeed in the first place. I will no longer think like that. It perfectly normal to try and fail, but this time I will just pick up where I left off and keep going. I will no longer write myself off and be content with living this way. I am human, I do make mistakes and it's okay! If I make a mistake and fall off the wagon to just hop right back on and not dwell on things I cannot change.

What makes this time different? I've realized the key to happiness in my life, is not to just to "lose weight" but to change the way I live. From eating healthier and excercising to becoming more organized around the home - these are just a few of the things I will do this year, and for the rest of my life. I know this journey will not be easy and I will hit my fair share of road blocks but I feel this will be the start of something amazing. I really feel ready this time to make the changes I need to be a happier and healthy me.